Ubuntu HortonWorks
Install the Ubuntu OS as normal. HortonWorks supports 12.04 and 14.04.
When partitioning the drives, do not create any swap.
Install some packages required by HDP:
aptitude -y install unzip ntp nscd
Increase the file descriptor and processor limits. In /etc/security/limits.conf
* - nofile 32768 * - nproc 65536
Disable IPv6 completely in /etc/sysctl.conf
. HortonWorks also recommends disabling swapping completely, and increasing max user instances:
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1 vm.swappiness = 0
Apply the changes:
sysctl -p
HortonWorks recommends disabling transparent hugepages as well. Add to /etc/rc.local
echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag
On the primary node, add the HDP Ubuntu repos:
wget -nv http://public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/ambari/ubuntu14/2.x/updates/ -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ambari.list apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com B9733A7A07513CAD aptitude update
Install the Ambari package:
aptitude -y install ambari-server