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phpmyadmin [2015/06/01 17:16]
phpmyadmin [2015/06/01 17:17] (current)
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 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Lastly, here is the configuration to add to Apache so that it is accessible only to Digital Trike LAN.  This can be placed anywhere in the httpd configuration. 
-Alias /mysql "/​var/​www/​pma"​ 
-<​Directory "/​var/​www/​pma">​ 
-AllowOverride None 
-Options None 
-DirectoryIndex index.php 
-Order deny,allow 
-Deny from all 
-Allow from 
-=== Apache === 
-Here's a sample htaccess file that would apply: 
-Order deny,allow 
-Deny from all 
-Allow from 192.168.12. 
-# openvpn 
-Allow from 10.117.209. 
-RewriteEngine On 
-RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off 
-RewriteRule (.*) https://​%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} 
-RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^pma\.digitaltrike\.com$ [NC] <br> 
-RewriteRule .? https://​pma.digitaltrike.com [R=301,L] 
-# deny all .htaccess, .DS_Store, .git and ._* (resource fork) files 
-<Files ~ "​^(\.|~)([git]|[Hh][Tt]|[Dd][Ss]_[Ss]|[_])">​ 
-Order allow,deny 
-Deny from all 
-Satisfy All 
-AuthName "Super Seekrit Access"​ 
-AuthType Basic 
-AuthUserFile /​var/​www/​htpasswd/​pma 
-Require valid-user 